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School Mathematics Project 11-16: SMP 11-16 : Guide to the Bookends by School Mathematics Project Staff ebook PDF, FB2, TXT


SMP 11 16 is a mathematics resource for secondary schools which emphasises the relationship between mathematics and the world around us. The course material falls into two parts. Part 1, covering the first two years, consists mainly, but not exclusively, of booklets arranged into strands, which enable pupils to work at their own pace. Part 2, covering Years 9, 10 and 11, consists principally of five series of books, designed to suit pupils of different attainment: Y (yellow), R (red), B (blue), G (green) and A (amber). This is a guide to the bookends which appear on the back cover of most of the booklets used in the first two years. It contains commentaries, answers and further activities. It includes facsimiles of the bookends so that it can also be used as a free-standing resource., SMP 11-16 is a mathematics resource for secondary schools which emphasizes the relationship between mathematics and the world around us. The course material falls into two parts. Part 1, covering the first two years, consists mainly, but not exclusively, of booklets arranged into strands, which enable pupils to work at their own pace. Part 2, covering Years 9, 10 and 11, consists principally of five series of books, designed to suit pupils of different attainment: Y (yellow), R (red), B (blue), G (green) and A (amber)., SMP 11–16 is a mathematics resource for secondary schools which emphasises the relationship between mathematics and the world around us.The course material falls into two parts. Part 1, covering the first two years, consists mainly, but not exclusively, of booklets arranged into strands, which enable pupils to work at their own pace. Part 2, covering Years 9, 10 and 11, consists principally of five series of books, designed to suit pupils of different attainment: Y (yellow), R (red), B (blue), G (green) and A (amber).This is a guide to the bookends which appear on the back cover of most of the booklets used in the first two years. It contains commentaries, answers and further activities. It includes facsimiles of the bookends so that it can also be used as a free-standing resource., SMP 11–16 is a mathematics resource for secondary schools which emphasises the relationship between mathematics and the world around us. The course material falls into two parts. Part 1, covering the first two years, consists mainly, but not exclusively, of booklets arranged into strands, which enable pupils to work at their own pace. Part 2, covering Years 9, 10 and 11, consists principally of five series of books, designed to suit pupils of different attainment: Y (yellow), R (red), B (blue), G (green) and A (amber). This is a guide to the bookends which appear on the back cover of most of the booklets used in the first two years. It contains commentaries, answers and further activities. It includes facsimiles of the bookends so that it can also be used as a free-standing resource.

School Mathematics Project Staff - School Mathematics Project 11-16: SMP 11-16 : Guide to the Bookends DJV, EPUB, PDF

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