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Read Early Childhood Playgrounds : Planning an Outside Learning Environment in EPUB, DJV, TXT


Early Childhood Playgroundsprovides a step-by-step guide to planning, designing and creating an outdoor learning environment for young children. The outdoor play environment has an integral role to play in a child's learning across early years and primary settings. An outside space that is well designed allows for enriching, stimulating and challenging play experiences that meet children's developmental needs. Written by an experienced practitioner that has consulted on over 1800 early childhood settings and schools internationally, the book considers all aspects of the outdoor learning environment and provides practical support on: * planning procedures and ideas for designs * creating different areas such as a quiet area, sandpits, water play, gardens and an active area * spaces for toddlers and babies * playground needs for children with additional needs * appropriate equipment, resources and storage. This book will be fascinating reading for those studying early childhood and practitioners looking to set up, improve or expand their outdoor play facilities, as well as architects and planning professionals., The outdoor play area in an early years or primary setting has an integral role to play in a child's learning. An outside space that is well designed allows for enriching, stimulating and challenging play experiences that meet children's developmental needs. Early Childhood Playgrounds provides a step-by-step guide to planning, designing and creating an outdoor learning environment for young children. Written by an experienced practitioner that has consulted on over 1800 early childhood settings and schools internationally, the book considers all aspects of the outdoor learning environment and provides practical support on: planning procedures and ideas for designs; creating different areas such as a quiet area, sandpits, water play, gardens and an active area; spaces for toddlers and babies; playground needs for children with additional needs; appropriate equipment, resources and storage. This book will be fascinating reading for those studying early childhood and practitioners looking to set up, improve or expand their outdoor play facilities, as well as architects and planning professionals., The outdoor play environment has an integral role to play in a child s learning across the pivotal early childhood years. An outside space that is well designed allows for enriching, stimulating and challenging play experiences that meet children s ongoing developmental needs. "Early Childhood Playgrounds "provides a step-by-step guide to planning, designing and creating an outdoor learning environment for young children. Written by an experienced practitioner that has consulted on over 2000 early childhood settings and schools internationally, this book considers all aspects of the outdoor learning environment and provides practical support on: planning procedures and ideas for designs; a wide variety of play within a playground through the inclusion of quiet, open and active play areas; stimulating and challenging play; a natural environment that will provide interest and sustainability; spaces for toddlers and babies; playground needs for children with additional needs. This book will be fascinating reading for those studying early childhood and practitioners looking into the ways and means of setting up, improving or expanding their outdoor play facilities. It is also geared towards other disciplines, making it an essential guide for architects and planning professionals wanting to gain a greater understanding of play and the vital role it takes in meeting children s needs and development. "

Read online book Early Childhood Playgrounds : Planning an Outside Learning Environment by Prue Walsh in DOC, MOBI, DJV